Identity theft

Reclaim your identity

Identity theft protection is an increasingly crucial insurance service, designed to help you cover expenses related to the complex process of reclaiming your financial identity and restoring your credit if you are a victim of identity theft fraud.


Proudly representing these carriers. Get a homeowners quote TODAY by visiting these company's websites.

Rebuild your credit stress-free

Identity Theft

With identity theft protection, the following may be covered:

  • Documented instances of lost wages from an employer
  • Attorneys fees
  • Loan reapplication fees (if the first application was rejected due to identity theft fraud)
  • Personal assistance to work with your creditors to rectify records and help monitor your credit
  • Identity theft protection is invaluable to help mitigate the personal and financial stress associated with identity theft.

Why Windward is unmatched.

Our Results

A superior customer experience is just one service we provide for our carrier partners.


average quality and satisfaction score.

24 Hours

To schedule an inspection and begin the claims process.

30 Seconds

to receive a response when using the carrier's chat feature.

30 Days

is the average time to complete the claims process.

Contact Us

Insuring your home is one of the most important decisions you may make. Visit our carrier partner's pages to learn more about how they can meet your individual homeowners insurance needs and easily get a quote. Select one of our carrier partners below or call your agent today.